Chemistry Lab

Chemistry Lab

The beauty of science is enhanced by performing experiments. For these experiments to be performed, application of the theories which our learned ancestors gave and to carry forward their legacy and train young minds, we need a place for that i.e “lab” . It is believed that laboratory teaching and experiments that are conducted there, will develop a deeper understanding in children. Children are able to retain knowledge for much longer when they see the experiments being performed in front of them.

Salient feature of our Chemistry lab:-

• - Our Lab has all updated and well equipped apparatus and chemicals.
• - It is well ventilated and very spacious.
• - Audio-visual aids are available with smart board.
• - Do’s and Don’ts are mentioned on the soft board.
• - All possible safety measure are taken in the lab.
• - Students learn the subject by performing experiments themselves, observing and deriving conclusions.

Students make use of the models and then understand the different scientific concepts and theories. Generally, school science lab equipment and supplies make teaching and learning much easier.